Since its early days in 2016, Unispectral, an Israeli company, has been committed to developing high-end spectral imaging solutions at accessible price level. Our cameras feature a MEMS tunable Fabry-Pérot filter, a result of five years of deep tech R&D. The tunable filter turns any compact camera into a powerful hyperspectral camera, removing price, size and complexity barriers making spectral imaging accessible for OEMs, integrators, industry, and research users.
+ Crisp 1.3 MP Resolution
+ Selectable Wavelength Flexibility
+ Expansive Field of View
+ USB3 Plug & Play
+ Robust, Compact & Energy-Efficient
+ Intuitive Windows Software & SDKs
+ Handheld NIR spectral camera
+ Indoor/Outdoor versatility
+ Operator-friendly data collection
+ Broadband NIR illumination
+ Instant visualizations
+ Touchscreen simplicity
+ Integrated battery
+ Doubled spectral range
+ Seamless multi camera fusion
+ Integrated high quality RGB camera
+ Enhanced detection accuracy
+ USB3 Plug & Play
+ Robust, Compact & Energy-Efficient
+ Intuitive Windows Software & SDKs
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